Exhibitions Archive

Empty Lines / Adriana Bergen

Yellow Fever / Jessica Wu
Imago / Narda Ray

little deaths / Murray Wittmeier

Zine Zone II: Zine Zoo

Looking at Places / Timothy Kozlik

better than lasagna... / Sam Lloyd :^)

Đùm Bọc (Mutual Support) / Hanh Nguyen

The Living Room / Paige Bartsch

Elevating the Paper Object / Jonathan Creese

Rage Quilts / Jessica Rimes and May Jones

This is what I hear / Juli Song

Scoring the MNG / Marsel Reddick

Emergence / FINA 401

iloveyou_worm / Kyle Anderson-Nguyen

Plundering Through the Pond of Perplexing Memory Soup / Matthew Springer

Zine Zone / Curatorial Project

Anchored in Place / Elise Lavallee Findlay

Living in Digital_GLITCHED / Sydney Bruce

Love, Laugh, L'CHAIM! / Lauren Jacobson

Misremembering Space: Vacant Bodies / Lailey Newton and Nicole Jones

Unfathomable Accumulation / Mieke Uhryniuk-Smith

Pulled From Pasture / Terri Lemire and Emma Guido

Rewinding the Tape Vol. II / Exposure Festival

Students' Association Show

The Uncanny Clouds / Brendan O'Callaghan

The Winter Lodge

Marked for Memory / Isis Horne

Made It Home / Pamela Vickerson
Vivian Smith / 40 Mugs

Megan Hamilton / Burial Grove

The Place I Am / Clematis Collective

Baby, You Can Drive My Car: Troublesome Queer Visibility & Representation Collection / Andy Rubio

Dis.Connect / Summer Camp Exhibition /2022

Laura Holck / Genesis

Luigi Pulido, Angela Lee, and Yuxin Song / Homemaking

Claire Macmahon / Outside In

Camryn Carnell / The Rules of Show and Tell

Juli Song / Wishing Well: I wish I was white

Jonathan Creese / The Void Over the Land 1

Brooklyn Payne / The Maiden and The Fatale

Jiaqi Shi / Forms of Trees

Melody Poon / I have no idea what I am doing

Natalie Melara / Digital Threads of Identity

Summer Camp Exhibition: Potluck

The Guess Who Pathfinder Exhibition

Leia Guo / Somewhere in Nowhere

Dalayce Smith / FibreGlass

Janira Moncayo / Cosas de Chicas (Girl Talk)

Emilie Crystal Dedrick / S/S2025 Corvid-19 Collection

Meghan Ivany / A Fluctuating Charm

Vivian Smith / 2020 – An Evolution

Natalie Melara / inTENSION

Aahwaatkamooksi and Calgary Public Library Seton

Caleb Witvoet / Two Tall Trestles

Charlotte Poulsom / soft spots

Randy Ly / what i know about my sister

Sanaa Humayun / This is What You Wanted, Isn't It? You've Been Trying to Consume Me

Rae Reid / Closet Dwellers