Zine Zone II: Zine Zoo

06.09.2024 - 07.10.2024

01 - Exhibition Statement

Zines are a medium beloved by artists, activists, and anyone with something to say in need of somewhere to put it. Zinesters utilize the freedom this cheap medium offers to educate their communties and advocate for underground movements, as well as share poetry, illustrations, comics, and all means of artwork for next-to-no cash.

The Zine Zone was initially created for the fall of 2023, conceptualized as a space for students to relax and make zines. In a space craving community bonds, the initual exhibition found success by offering a “zone” for students to spend time and craft a low-stakes publication. It was so enjoyed that it felt worth repeating.


little deaths / Murray Wittmeier


Looking at Places / Timothy Kozlik