Scoring the MNG /

Marsel Reddick

12.4.2023 - 12.22.2023

01 - Exhibition Statement

Scoring the MNG is a durational performance where a musical score is composed on a piano inside of the Marion Nicoll Gallery (MNG) as an exploration of translation and interpretation. The characteristics and architecture of the MNG guide the composition process, and the score is written directly onto the walls of the MNG throughout the duration of the exhibition. Compositional parameters are extracted from observations made in and around the gallery related to the language of music. For example: the MNG’s cubic/square shape might be represented through use of quartal harmony, four-note chords, shell chords (to create a sense of containment/spatiality), and avoiding the antithetical circle of fifths. The work becomes an ongoing process of attempting to translate one non-verbal language (architecture) into another (music) to underscore a relationship between the two.

02 - Artist Statement

Marsel Reddick is an artist and writer based in Moh'kins'tsis whose research explores identity, divination, materiality, trans history, magic, intuition, and affect. In their practice, they consider the ongoing entanglements of self and otherness through a variety of media such as claymation, sound, zines, performance, and installation. To demonstrate the tenuousness of selfhood, they attempt to facilitate experiences that challenge automatic distinctions between self and other, offering alternate modes of moving through the world.

Listen to the full composition:


This is what I hear / Juli Song


Emergence / FINA 401